In what direction do you think Liam is gonna go with music?
How good is NIN live?
SWANS and Industrial music.
the digital versions of reunion album covers really annoy me
UK...3800 ppl ahead of you
albums for grieving?
my album tier list
They are hating on her again 😭😭😭
emo bands that have dual girl and boy vocalists?
How were you introduced to Swans?
Peel It Back Tour Setlist Discussion Thread.
post your fav emo photo of yourself
trans-fronted emo bands?
r/Topster's favorite metal albums. Most upvoted gets added. Toxicity wins (9/25) (Man u guys r some hipsters..)
Other bands with similar instrumentals?
Best 90s Alt Rock group?
New to NIN
What’s the most you’d be willing to spend to see BCNR live?
If the out coming tour will be only Gira and kirstoff as duo, will there be a tour with the whole band next ?
Do i have bad taste? (also guess things about me)
Can anyone verify these signatures?
Anyone still haven't gotten their CD or Vinyl for MG Ultra yet?
Are those signatures legit?