I've realized this so I gotta tell all of y'all! (Original drawing made by ISOYS)
Miku gear rising: FumoFumo
some pilot fanatics be like:
What are they looking at? Wrong answers only
Rena bought Presents for everything in the grou, what she gonna give each one?(wrong answers only)
..something went wrong with my account.
guys rate the wallpaper
What thing in Touhou, if removed, wouldn't make it feel like Touhou?
Real and real
pilot haters on this sub
Average noncanon touhou anime be like
Osaka's fashion taste is impeccable
What touhou take got you like this
Uhh.... Where's Clock Dude Going? (Funny Answers Only)
Tomo is the cutest, even if the show tries to push Chiyo, change my mind
How to dedust your fumo
Guys the tricked us, there’s no Osaka, just a random teacher
Would you live in ZUN's gensokyo for 1 week for 1 million dollars (no fan interpretations just straight up canon from zun's mind)
PILOT LEAKS NOT FAKE!!! (screenshots)
Cute Baby Sakuya
an art i drew for the women’s day.