A little humor :)
Are there any videos of the Western Alamance High School marching band 2024 shows?
Are all Christian groups...?
Mexico sends 29 cartel suspects to U.S. to face charges, including drug lord Rafael Caro Quintero
Why isn't Greensboro Police doing anything about all the gang activity in Greensboro?
Trail Cameras - Greensboro Gang Problem
Lets bring the Bible back!!
US Navy uses AI to train laser weapons against drones | The US Navy is helping to eliminate the need for a human operator to counter drone swarm attacks.
Jonah 4:11, Babylon, A Colony of the Unexpected, Many Perilous Men, + A Time Check
Revelation 17:15
How can I learn to drive stick-shift? (29male)
Join the Project 2025 Protest on President's Day Feb 17th in Raleigh
Racist Father?
King James, The Treasury, Mobbing, The Final Frontier, and "Place-Names"...
I don’t care to prove my blackness anymore.
City Council selects Jamila Pinder for At-Large Seat
POLL: Political Ideologies and Christianity
WAM - World Alliance of Mixed race and Multiethnic People
Couldn't identify as mixed race on license
I believe we need our own organization advocating for mixed rights and recognition on the national level
Elon musk is openly advocating against race mixing. How are you feeling about the current climate?
Maybe let’s not destroy this wonderful beach
North Texas teen beat up and left on the side of the road