My instagram
I am out of my house right now so I won't be so active for a month or so .....TwT
In a fight between Pina and Louis who would win?
Legoshi sexy face
What's one vehicle you thought was pretty good but hate now that you unlocked it
With the addition of new jets that can carry 12 or even 14 missiles this meme became even more real
Shipping Struggles
Why won’t my vector mags fit my Glock??? (Help, serious)
Is it just me or are there only bots?!
how did louis sneak in a 1911 at school!? it's an american gun in a japanese setting! IN A SCHOOL NO LESS!
The heck you mean smarts 😭
You see this in after a day of school, whats your next step?
i got bored and swapped their eyes out-
If Legoshi were to appear next to you. What would be your first action?
Biggest fire work recorded in Nagasaki Japan
Which one should I pick?
I got 3,500 ge refunded but the ge is still in my account what do i do
HOLY SHI-..... huh?
Tell me your favourite character and ship and i will say if i will let you in
I just downloaded the game which country should I choose?
Gaijinkles SLAAMRAAM when?