How do I stop thinking of trans people as less than the gender they identify as?
How Good of a Fuck Are They v.02 (with patch notes)
Master Winter Soldier: Top 10 Tips to Dominate as Bucky in Marvel Rivals!
Supreme Court asked to overturn gay marriage
The term "stop unnecessary animal cruelty" is ultimately hypocrisy.
Do you think Obergfell will be overturned during Tump's presidency?
Trans people, how do you feel about cis gay men reclaiming the t slur?
Are the conservative gays in the room with us now? What was that about supporting gay marriage?
Idaho House Passing resolution asking SCOTUS to overturn Obergefell
Tried vr p0rn on lsd and…
Trump just stopped all federal grant and loan disbursements.
If you had to guess, is LGBT acceptance going up or down?
Driving Is Linked to Unhappiness in Americans, Study Finds
The Vegan Community’s Biggest Problem? Perfectionism
Those in monogamous, LTR, is your SO clingy?
Is it too late in the game for me to start studying/practicing psychology?
Why does everyone tell me theirs no jobs with a BA in psych
I'm getting too easily attached to new people (online and offline).
“If people actually wanted to talk to you, they’d approach you first.”
Why do a lot of people think that all masculine men are straight and all feminine men are gay?
ULPT Request: How to lose weight fast (without medications)
US Redditors, given their soaring price, are you pulling back on recipes which call for a lot of eggs?
Anyone else considering leaving the US? Where are you headed?
Woman call me handsome, gay men do not, why?