Help I don’t want to loose these? Inoculated 35 days ago
Two different grain bags here one has more on top than the other. One seems to not be spreading on top I’ve already done break and shake my question is do I break and shake again or give it a few more days then if it does not spread to the top do I go ahead and put in tub?
First flush does anyone recommend leaving the ones the veil has not broke yet and let them get bigger?
[actives] B-. Mad Hatter
Jedi Mind Fuck 3 Days after first pins 🍄🍄🟫🍄
Chop when I get back this evening? Or chop now?
Purple Mystic coming along nicely I think 😁
I got this grain finally it waited in transit for week plus is it safe to inoculate?
I noticed this veil broke on my purple Mystic way too early… Suggestions?
First bucket tek [gourmet] harvest
What does my art sound/taste/smell like?
[Actives] First ever grow, late to harvest?
[actives] when to harvest enigma
“White Rabbit 🐰 🐇 “ [ACTIVES]
[Actives] Mac Galactic
First Flush Taman Negara [gourmet]
Little family around the aborts. I’ve let the aborts stay and this tub is on its 5th flush they just keep coming. Any reason to take aborts out I’ve left them alone and continuous grow keeps coming
When the mycelium started to spread I noticed it was very very wet so I sprinkled some of the vermiculite that came in with my box. Did I make a mistake? Some of the spots hard to see, but look a little darker.
[Technique] First ever first flush went crazy 🤩
Winter grow pictures
GT 3rd flush timelapse [actives]
I’ve been really rough with these Taman Negara is the black spot in the middle the spores? Some are very black in the middle only in small circle. This happened after drying they looked perfect before. Pic is of first flush these were second flush all dried with a much brighter color on top.
What are the black spots in the middle? Is it normal some are very dark? [technique]
I’ve finished Secound flush so much white everywhere.. that’s from not enough air exchange?Should I toss I never soaked in water yet?
Okay is this a throw away? Strain was Aztec Gold black syringe with tons of spores in it. Now it’s go this awful looking color. Thoughts my fellow rookies?