Hobbies that don't cost alot of money, a guy can do?
The More You Text Women, The Less They Like You
She’s texting to confirm
First date last night... Kinda took the wind out of my sails, ngl :/ idk what to say.
I'm not sure if I want to stay in this relationship
I have finally lost my hope for dating after last night
Relationship anxiety caused by religious upbringing
What’s a good comeback for “I make way more money than you”
I need advice about this guy I am talking to. If it’s a red flag or not
(20M) never asked my friend (19F) out, she's now dating (22M) and I'm not sure what to do.
Today I was told I talk but I don't have conversations. How do I fix this?
Should I text her or just let it be?
What works in 2024?
Dumped by a FA after 2 months
What Happens When Men Show Women Too Much Interest
Dating an avoidant
why dont guys approach me
The girl I'm dating is better than me in every way. Will the relationship work?
Getting Zero Girls as 30y+ male - I feel like I am left behind.
Dating yet not offical yet
What are some words of affirmation you’d like to hear as a man?
Girlfriend wants to "take a step back"
I really need someone to talk to. I just need 1 person to care.
How to tell a guy I don’t find him attractive
Men, what do you do and how do you act to show a woman you’re no longer interested?