Chaos lord on jump pack?
Starting faction, cnc welcome
Happy Orctober!
Thanks Dev Team
My lord. The pile of shame is way smaller. But the battle against the grey has become a war.
Need help color sheme
Different version of armor?
Just finished this patrol, is it enough
Can we say they are 10 chaos terminators from « black legion »
Is axe big enough?
Can I use this as lord of contagion or typhus?
First model for this army
Is it rust enough?
Is my pc dead
My wife Said it was rusted, what do you think? CNC welcome
WIP of my hybrid
WIP need your attention cultists
Is this going to be enough bronze?
Supercell has changed 2 volumes of Elixir for Sour Elixir! This is to make it easier and end the Mashup Madness events The Elixir stockpile is now divided into two parts to facilitate and complete the Mashup Madness event
Processed Koara... We have to be missing something...
What is the one thing enemies do in this game that makes you completely lose your shit?
Snikrot Paint C&C welcome
Who painted this?
Guess who didn't get pustus