LPT: if Footlocker doesn’t have the pair of shoes you like in your size or in the color you want check out these websites.
Is there any reason to why these top players don’t max out their cards?
uhhh.. is the tornado's tower damage supposed to fluctuate like this? or is it just deckshop's problem?
How’s my deck? I just reached 💪4700💪after 4 hours of grinding
I honestly get so frustrated with the matchmaking being based off of KT levels instead of card levels. This is my second losing streak today because of overlevelled opponents.
Something about the goblin barrel
Any tips on how to get out of arena 14?
In your opinion, what are the most underrated card synergies?
Balanced matchmaking
How many genders are there?
Can someone help me confirm that this YouTube is a scam
We single people need to stay strong
Tier list of balanced cards
Anybody else want to add their favourite song put it in the comments
Am I really that bad?
Need Help... Which is the stronger win condition?
I’m about to turn 15 and I find it super hard to tell how old a girl is without asking her any tips?
Why girls are (normally) more mature than boys ?
Best gamemode ever i think
Movie meme Monday
AITA for not wanting go volunteer for 3 days?
The ultimate Arena 2 push, skarmy at the bridge
YSK is it normally not a good idea to give a guy a gift if he already has something like it
Goblin drill counter
Over leveling is the problem with “broken” cards not the card’s stats.