I've found this guy for 30 bucks. It's my first radio and I'm very happy with the sound quality. How you can tune sw international stations?
IT Networking - Job Leads Requested
IT Networking
My RAV4 came with a dead mouse in the vent,Is it a critical part or can I remove him because he's smelling up the car ???
Would you push 5k more or replace?
What is this port in my Honda crv
Unable to restore or create account
How do I work on my car in the winter (no garage)?
Bought my first car!
PSA make sure to check your filters guys
It's this CPU installed correctly? Keep making this weird noise
Scraping Sounds while Accelerating + Turning Left
Should I get a tint or not?
2001 Honda CR-V
Dodged a bullet there Honda.
Scraping Sounds while Accelerating + Turning Left (Honda Element)
Small Aircraft Crashes into NE Mall in Philly
Megathread - 2: DCA incident 2025-01-30
Plane Crash at DCA
Honest HVAC companies to work for
Why does my oil came out like this , what does it mean?
So it's perfectly acceptable to drive 80 to 90 miles an hour in posted 65?
Would you buy this at auction? It runs and airbags haven't been deployed yet.