whatever this is
What's everyone's Valentine's specials?
Oncologist/colon surgeon recommendations?
Are there any men in their thirties who have their shit together?
GenX over 50 with little to no retirement savings
What would you have wanted your younger unmarried self to know?
Am I being taken for a ride?
I'm a real woman who was on a date with a real man and it's so bad for men you guys pick meee
i was on a date last night, i was complimenting him about his personality basically cute & stuff, he said “no one has ever said that to me before.” i feel so sad for men now, is it really that bad?
Are we screwed by these tariffs?
How f’d is my soil
Was intimate with someone else for the first time
What is a common theme all cheaters share? What are cheater stereotypes?
Who needs to this?
Looking for work from home job
Best way to clean up this mess or keep it from happening.
How many of your companies require existing users to turn over password and 2fa device to get a new machine?
Wild story my local TV station just ran: Minnesota man got the flu on a Norwegian cruise ship and ended up with a $47k medical bill
Remembering to take pills daily for teenager
I still cant believe it!
Is this normal?
I smoked and a double cheeseburger was made, again.
Now I’m the Perpetrator??
I came home to my Boy wearing my sweater that my girl put on him
Maroon clownfish advice needed
What’s Your Opinion on Florida’s New Opioid Law?