American Ninja Warrior
Few quite holes with lads
Wife left
Think he was surprised?
think he was surprised?
If you know this face, their shoes, and the tragic outcome…you’re old
Saw a post about Haley’s Comet, but what about Comet Hale-Bopp and this monstrosity
What is his name? Wrong answers only
"Great Balls of Fire" was only 25 years old when they sang it in Top Gun. That movie is 39 years old. Equivalent would be now singing Linkin Park or something.
Protein Style. Like a steak and salad. So good but messy AF.
What would you name this plane?
43, 2 weeks until my wife moves in
Fries lovers, what’s your go-to dipping sauce?
All three of these are owned by the local catholic priest.
Whats it worth? 70 torino with 351 cleveland, decently taken care of. Looking to buy it
What am I seeing in the sky?
If you’ve ever found these in the woods, you are F’in old !
Salesman scam?
WTF? Is that normal those days
I'm a trump voter. We've been lied to, fellow Americans.
Let’s hear from all the corn in chili haters
Movie night with my son… suggestions?
My mom lost her battle with cancer today
Rollin' in my six four...
What’s the title of this movie, wrong answers only..