Prismatic Evolutions mini tins at WHSmith !
Fuck UBG
We need to report resellers
Investor logic is wild... telling longtime pokemon fans mad at investors/scalpers "maybe the hobbies not for you"
Just thought of the worst ability for an Ultra
I actually hate this unit
Dark souls desappointed me ...
One of my neighbors unscrewed my burnt out lightbulb and set it on my walkway
I will be assigning everyone a unit each
Says the bitch ass mf using UBG and wtf kind of username is that?
dawg tf they do to Teen Trunks' voice 💀😭
nc try asshole
Morally grey but opinions are divided unit is chosen, next is toxic but opinions are divided.
What is a Saga Campaign you want to see this year? (NO MBS)
Aspiring collector - here's what I've got so far!
Does the Japanese journey together booster box have the Reshiram promo?
Giving away two Costco Scarlet & Violet 151 Blooming Waters Premium Collection sets to two redditors because %*#@ scalpers
How do i ask for this haircut, without showing these images
Recent fits, which one works the best?
Venice Sports Cards and Collectibles owner buying all the Target stock.
Since a new plat equip is coming who else thinks the 7 stars is absolute bullshit
get gravelled
What's the worst mistake you ever made in pokemon go? Check this out he used to be a shadow 4*...
Local LCS had prismatic evolutions for $99 an ETB. I caved.. here's the result of my degenerate behavior
Stanford’s psychiatric experiment with interesting results!