Is there anything that you’ve realized you were into solely because of Reddit?
Who’s having a drink tonight?
What other things can guys do to make sex more of a pleasurable experience?
Sports fans! What is the oddest sport you follow?
Me, self-conscious.
What’s the sluttiest outfit you’ve worn in public?
Males, has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
If you could place two connected portals anywhere you want, where would you put them ?
What would the title of your autobiography be?
Chinese food wins. What’s your order ?
How do you get your session started?
Have you ever been naked anywhere in public?
Last time you had sex?
(f) what word comes to mind when you see me?
Anyone else see the viral post this morning of a “Karen” with road rage being body slammed after threatening another driver?
How would you like to be flirted with?(question for everyone)
Men of ARAD, if you were one of the last men on earth and now in charge of repopulating the planet, what would your sex schedule be in a given day or week?
How do you hope people describe you ?
What is the hottest profession someone can have? What makes it so sexy?
What are you all doing right now?
Does the green stuff get you in the mood?
If you were legally change your name, what would you change it to?
Why don’t specific servers or communities host speed dating events ?
Do you ever look up at the stars and go “we’re so insignificant!” Or words to that effect
Men, do you get erections from kissing/making out?