should i buy Hades or two Battlefield games ( Battlefield 3 and 4)
How difficult is this 3hr exam for a 1st year uni student?
What does the richest person you know do for a living ?
Why is the valve complete pack not available in the sale this summer
Trying some personalizations
Are there any pilots here?
Are there any pilots here
Are there any metalheads here ?
Just found this "historical miracle" of the Qur'an about the pyramids. Any credibility to this?
Photos of some Moroccan gangsters in 1930
One of the most amazing species
What Metallica album Is NUMBER 1 IN YOUR OPINION
Someone wanted to sell a house, Look at the comments
POV: Radiohead fans trying to date
I’m not the only one that sees a face right here right?
What are your impressions of my profile?
Am I ugly?
Did anyone read punk 57 ?
math exam natio 2023
WCGW welding near a car leaking gas?
Is kanye autistic
108 lucky no. 🤞. My 12×9
Bunch of introvert Opethians from 2006 waiting in line
What music do u listen to ?
why does everyone hate Lulu. I think it's my fav Metallica album