How is Sam's Club?
Just so tired of it all.
question for rural shoppers
Question for H2G employees
No. Just no.
Your top 3 list of things you do while waiting
Customer. Wanting to make sure I'm doing it right.
What's The Coldest Temp You Will Work In?
Do you get a lot of new customers?
Hesitant this morning
Happy “It’s out of stock Day” everyone
Customers: it’s really dark out here
Day 2 as a new shopper
Is it just dead now or?
Ahold cyberattack
What are some categories of bad/low tippers?
Wednesday blues
What you paying for gas? $4.59 in California.
Are we required to upload information?
Can't update Drivers License!
Instacart 2-3 shop & delivers
When do you scan the receipt?
Crazy Algorithm!
How much do you make on average