Today I Learned…
Lost a friend of a decade after suggesting we watch Midsommar. “It traumatized me.”
Noticed something in the appendix
The centrefold of my book is glowing blue
Checking in - I’m doing much better now
I Think This Book Might Be Cursed and I’m Legitimately Freaking Out
A pattern I’ve noticed about frequent lucid dreamers
Feeling abandoned by progressive circles in this current era
A rare Blep and Mlem from Riley
I also have two free tickets to tonight's show!
Is there a TV show, book, movie etc you are "borrowing" from, that your players don't know about?
i've seen people asking about what the best playthroughs are. but what about the worst
My best friend is visually impaired and thus cannot fully experience this game, although she really wants to. I’d like to recommend the best playthrough to her to watch/listen to. Any recommendations?
my very own ______
Anyone else think one of the last puzzles broke the game's design philosophy?
If you can’t move to Harga after an abusive relationship, bring Harga to you
What is your listener status?
King Ponters
Embarrassed by Pharmacy Tech?
[TOMT][TIKTOK] Woman Tossing Pizza Dough Stitched by Younger Woman (Comedic)
BJA and Linguistics
Calculating real dollar value of items and my farm
Help naming a plushy
Chimera or Cuddle Party? You Decide.
Help with Crop Fusion Selling Prices!