I have to go back to “Starbucks School” apparently
Can we be honest about the cherry chai?
Barista Appreciation Post
My boyfriend is allergic to my cat
i want to take advantage of the asu program but that means being stuck with this company for another 3-4 years
Beginning my path into Buddhism
15 year old kitty diagnosed with advanced kidney disease
My cat won’t stop throwing up
what common safe food can you just not get behind?
Does anyone workout when restricting?
Bi girl afraid of dating women
Heartburn?? I think??
Physical hunger vs emotional hunger
I have COVID and I feel like im dying
[Mod Post] Update Your User Flair
What would you say to your younger self?
Sore throat
Is it normal to have ed thoughts from a young age?
It’s crazy to body check 10000x per day and still not know what my body actually looks like
What is your dream starter, main course and dessert?
DAE need to have a scale to “see” results?
ED movies/shows
How does everyone see themselves?