Rearm Europe
La situazione politica attuale
Quora, Youtube and Google be like
Vavr 0.10.6 released
"Learn Haskell by Example" book presentation by Philipp Hagenlocher
chii fanart by me <3
Flamme by ぼっち
Charlie á Pariiiiisss
Computer Science Engineer
Fanta in Kyrgyzstan
We all saw this coming right?
Is Russia the only country that can survive so many sanctions?
Are there a culture of "girlboss" in Russia too or Russian women mostly work just to get by?
Barbie wearing pancakes in Saint Petersbug
Масленичная барби привечает весну
It's simple!
Traveling to Moscow as a Pole
Selling the project to the customer vs. reviewing the requirements with IT
Aini Bapaeva, a Kyrgyz horsewoman overtakes her rivals in a race, (1936), Kyrgyz SSR. Photograph: Max Alpert
This beast in the eisen flashback
Kyrgyz Shepherd at a Pasture High in the Mountains – Photographed in Either 1958 or 1968
Which of these three countries do you feel closest to?
News now and then
Manifesto del Partito Comunista adatto per quale età?
Qual è l’errore più grande che commesso Salvini?